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Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Heads in the Sand?

I read an article earlier about North Carolina legislators that have voted on and passed a bill in the state senate the prohibits state officials from considering rapid sea level rise when creating rules for housing developments and infrastructure within the 20 counties that have coastline. Uh, huh.... really? And what does this prove? Wouldn't they rather be safe than sorry? And these idiots are completely ignoring all the scientists that have stated that the sea leve WILL rise and it will be more than 8 inches by 2100. They have 13 expert scientists looking at the SAME data, coming to the SAME conclusions and the politicians are going to ignore them? Does anyone know how hard it is to get 13 experts to unanimously agree on something like that? Do these politicians think if they ignore it and pass laws against preparation that sea level rise won't happen? Seriously, I'm shaking my head at the ignorance and unwillingness to listen to experts with an open mind. The only thing the scientists didn't agree on was the level of the rise. They felt it would be somewhere between 15 and 55 inches, so they picked 39 inches as the benchmark. Somewhere in the middle is better than the top or the bottom. unbelievable, it's just head shaking unbelievable. I guess when you decide to become a politician you sign over your rights to your damn brain! good grief