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Thursday, January 12, 2012

Presidential Elections

I've read several accounts that say all the Republican candidates question the science behind global warming and they are critical of any of the measures to slow carbin emissions.  What planet are these idiots from?! HELLLLOOOOOO (think Mushu, from Mulan :) Can these guys not see what is happening around them? Do they not read the news? The weather reports? For one, lets clear something up, it's NOT Global warming.... it's CLIMATE CHANGE  (stupid Al Gore). Yes, the temperature of the earth will increase, however, that's not the real problem. Yes, the earth has gone through heating and cooling cycles in the past, but that's not the problem! It's the change in events in different areas. Hurricanes will become stronger, if not more frequent, droughts will become worse, areas with rain will get more rain, areas without, will get less. Does that make sense? And the real problem behind the drastic change in weather events is that there are now lots & lots of people in those areas where the weather is going to change. You thought Las Vegas was dry before, ha, just wait. You thought the coast was a great place to live, you could deal with a random hurricane, ha, just wait. That doesn't even include the amount of sea level rise that will be happening within the next 50 years.  Even insurance companies have started looking at climate change and the amount of money it will cost them to insure houses in certain areas. hmmm, insurance companies that only care about money and like to bet on a sure thing, are looking into climate change. And guess what, this is all caused by an increase in carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Methane is also a problem in the atmosphere as a green house gas, and could become a bigger problem, but at the moment, it's closer to the bottom of the list as an issue. So, I guess my question is why are all the cadidates burying their heads in the sand? Why do they seem to think that by ignoring or questioning the science that this issue will go away. Or maybe they think if the ignore it, it doesn't exist?! Scientific data is mounting that the problem is not going away and the problem is caused by increased greenhouse gas emissions. Sometimes I wonder why I even bother. I hate it when people don't listen. One of the many reasons I stopped teaching, but that's a tangent I don't need to take. How can people deny the mounting scientific evidence of what is going on around us? And why would they? I really don't even want to think about who I would have to choose from as a president. All the candidates at the moment suck, and I'm including Obama in that statement. Someone needs to step up, get a set of cajones, and quit being so damn wishy-washy. hmm, I guess that means we need  a woman in office.